Weyland you are one month old. (Well technically as I am writing this you are 6 weeks old). But man that month flew by!! I really love that you are so tiny and cuddly right now so if you could please slow down growing, that would be awesome. Your 2 month check up is a few weeks away so I'm not really sure about your height and weight. But I am really anxious to see how much you have grown. You have out grown your newborn clothes. You are wearing 0-3 months, some of which are still a little big. You outgrew your newborn diapers after about 2 weeks, so you have been wearing size ones for a while. You are much more alert and are a little stubborn about taking naps during the day. But I can just stick you in the moby wrap or your swing and you fall right to sleep, most of the time. If the either of those don't work a good car ride usually does the trick. You are starting to smile and coo which I LOVE! But for the most part you are super serious, and you wear your scowl for a good part of the day. Lucky for you I happen to love your scowl, so scowl away. You still have all your hair, but there is a small bald spot creeping up on the back of your head. You are a pretty good sleeper at night. You are still in your bassinet in mommy and daddy's room and you usually sleep for about 4 hours, and then a few 2-3 hour increments for the rest of the night. Praying those increments get longer and longer.
We love you so much Weyland and are anxious to see what your next milestones will be!