Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Three Months Old!

Wow!  Weyland you are three months old!  I can't believe it.  You are so much fun these days.  You continue to smile and talk a ton and we have even gotten a laugh out of you a few times.  Your favorite thing these days is to just hang out on the floor on a blanket or your play mat.  I think it must be the freedom of the floor you love.  You stretch out your arms and your legs and you throw your hips back and forth.  You have started to grab on to things too.  I love putting a toy or a small blanket in your hand and watch you hold on to it for dear life or try to put it in your mouth.  You love being on the changing table too.  I haven't quite figured that one out yet.  But your whole demeanor will change the minute you are on that changing pad.  One minute you are crying and the next you are smiling from ear to ear.  David and I have also discovered that you LOVE being naked.  If it wasn't for fear of you peeing all over the place I would let you be naked a lot more often.  As soon as that diaper comes off you are so happy and free.  You still really like your swing and it's still the only way I can get you to nap on your own.  You are still not that great at napping during the day, but usually you will nap in the morning, afternoon and late afternoon for about 20 -30 mins at a time.  You usually end up napping on mommy one out of those three times.  Your good sleeping at night has been somewhat disrupted due to our trip we took to fort worth.  That really messed you up.  But we are slowing getting back to your 9pm to anywhere between 5 and 7am.  We still swaddle you at night, and are trying to decide how much longer we are going to do that.  Especially since you decided to roll over in the strangest of places at the most random time!! We were at the airport and I put you down on your blanket to keep you happy and you decided to roll over all on your own.  I was so excited, but couldn't jump up and down like I wanted for fear of embarassment by all my fellow travelers.  I was already getting looks for having my baby on the floor in an airport.  But hey, anything to keep you happy.  You have only done it a few other times since.  You are pacing yourself, I understand.  You also really really want to suck your thumb.  You have mastered the position and the placement, but that dang thumb just isn't big enough.  Don't worry you'll get it down one day.  You are fitting into all your 3 month clothes, grown out your 0-3 months and are now fitting into 3-6 months.  We are still doing primarily cloth diapers, but in regular diapers you are still in size 2's.  You are still a little piglet and like to eat every 2 hours, although now days it seems you can go a little bit longer between feedings and now it only takes you about 20-30 mins to eat.  Breastfeeding still poses it's challenges but it is not the challenge it once was.  Not sure of how much you weigh exactly, but its around 14.5 lbs.  You are getting big!  It's amazing the difference a month can make.  We love you Weyland!!

All ready for hunting season

Hanging out with daddy before bedtime

Look mom, I can hold onto my toy!

Napping with daddy (thanks daddy!!)

I still love my swing!

pretty sure he was laughing at daddy in the background

More of the 3 month photo shoot

Friday, August 24, 2012

Mimi and Big David come to visit!

Next up to come and visit us was Mimi and Big David!  We are still working on another name for Big David, but I'm thinking Weyland might come up with one first ;).  On Friday I went to the fabulous El Paso airport to pick up Mimi for her weekend visit with us.  Big David wasn't able to come because of work.  But to my surprise who was with her... Big David!!  I was so excited that he was able to come!  We decided to keep David in the dark and surprise him when he got home from work later that day.  When he got home he was really excited to see that both his mom and dad were there.  On a side note, work has FINALLY slowed down for David so he was able to spend the whole weekend with all of us!  Who-hoo!!  That night we went out and grabbed a bite to eat, Mexican food, duh!  Afterwards we went home,  put Weyland to bed and got to catch up with each other.  We didn't really make any plans for the weekend so we just kinda played it by ear.  So the next day we relaxed at home in the morning and then decided to venture out and join the masses at the mall.  The Apple store was calling our name.  We checked out the new ipad and seriously contemplated buying one, but we didn't :(.  But there is always Christmas.  We didn't do any shopping,  but it was fun to get out of the house for a bit.  That night we decided to stay in and order out.  Making dinner is not something that I have quite managed to start doing again yet, poor David.  So we spent a nice relaxing evening at home.  Also,  going out to dinner can be a little stressful, being a new mom.  You never know what your little one is gonna do.  Is he going to cry and scream or is he going to sit there like an angel.  It's always a toss up.  So I'll never say no to an evening at home!  The next morning we got up and went out for some yummy breakfast before Mimi and Big David had to go back home :(.  It was too short of a visit but Mimi and Big David got to spend lots of good quality time with little Weyland.  We can't wait for our trip to Lufkin to see them again!! 

Again, I didn't do a great job of taking pictures.  But here are a few I took before Mimi and Big David had to head back

Weyland with his Mimi

 Our little family

Monday, August 13, 2012

Nana and Papa come to visit!

The last weekend in July, Weyland's Nana and Papa (paw-paw) came to visit!  It was so nice having them here.  They were here for a long weekend, but it wasn't long enough.  Nana and Papa got here just in time for Weyland's 2 month birthday.  They came at the perfect time.  Weyland, in the past week has started smiling and talking a lot more, so it was fun for them to get to see him at this stage.  Papa started out his mini vaca playing golf (surprise).  And Nana and I spent the day with Weyland, running around town.  That night they were lucky enough to attend a home coming ceremony with us.  I was so happy to be able to share the home coming ceremony's with so many friends and family.  It's such an awesome experience and it's a little peak into what being a military family is like.  The next day was Weyland's 2 month check up.  Nana and Papa decided to both go with me, for moral support.  And I needed it.  Seeing that little guy in pain is rough.  But lucky for me Papa is a baby whisperer and I had a nap guarantee for Weyland.  I decided to hire him full time, but he regretfully declined.  Apparently he wasn't looking for any baby whispering work.  Plus a 9 hour commute is a little impractical.  So after his traumatic day at the doctor, Papa plopped down on the couch with Weyland and put him to sleep.  Nana and I even got to leave the house for a bit to have a mini shopping trip, yay!  The next day we decided to go on a little road trip.  David managed to escape work (on a Saturday, yuck) for the afternoon and was able to join us!  A much needed break for him.  We ventured to Las Cruses, to check out some winery's.  It was Weyland's first road trip.  He did so great!  He got a little fussy there for a while, but after he ate, he crashed, so David and I were able to enjoy the winery a little bit.  I say a little bit because David was our driver and I am still breastfeeding so wine tasting wasn't really in the cards.  But we had a beautiful view and a nice breeze, so who needs wine?  ( I do! haha).  The next day Nana and Papa had to leave. :(  We had one last relaxing day with them.  Papa played one more round of golf (surprise) and later that day we went out for some delicious mexican seafood.  

We had so much fun with Nana and Papa!  I can't wait to be closer to them so I don't have to wait so long between visits!  Mimi is coming to visit next!!  Stay tuned for the blog about her visit!

 Papa the baby whisperer 

On his way to his 2 month check up!

1st Road Trip to Las Cruses

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Being all the way out in El Paso we don't get many visitors, but we have had a bunch since we had little Weyland.  I can't believe I'm actually saying this but I really do like El Paso and I have discovered in the 2 years of living here that it has a lot to offer.  Although, now having Weyland a lot of El Paso's offerings aren't very practical.  I digress.  I must not do a very good job of conveying all the great things about El Paso because it's kind of hard to convince friends to come all the way out here.  

Matt and Brittany Adams and our adorable godson Ryan were first.  We were so excited that they came all the way out here to see us!  They are great friends and we don't get to see them much, so it was awesome to get to spend a whole weekend with them.  David's job was pretty much 24/7 at the time so unfortunately he didn't get to spend all the time with them that I did.  But he did manage to sneak away Saturday and hang out with us.  Friday we met up with David for a quick lunch and then Matt and Brittany got a quick tour of Fort Bliss.  Later that day we went back to post to attend a welcome home ceremony.  The brigade David is in is coming back from deployment.  Soldiers come back a little at a time, so about every other day there is a plane of soldiers that comes home and they are welcomed by friends and family at a home coming ceremony.  It's a pretty cool experience and I feel so lucky to have been a part of so many.  Besides it taking place in a hot and stuffy gym, kind of late at night I think we all had a unforgettable experience.  It always brings tears to my eyes because it brings back memories of when David came home only a few months ago.  The next day Matt joined David at work for a couple of hours for some much needed guy time and Brittany and I spent the day hanging out at home with Weyland and Ryan.  It was so nice getting to spend some much needed mommy time with Brittany.  I miss her :(.  And it was a blast getting to spend so much time with Ryan.  He is 15 months old and he is a walking, talking, eating machine!  He is at such a fun age!  I got to see him chase George around saying "dog" all day.  He is very proud of knowing that word.  We spent the rest of the weekend relaxing at home, cooking out and hanging out with the kids.  We had so much fun with them and were so happy they made the trip out to see us!  I did an awful job of taking pictures so here are the few that we took.  

Matt, Brittany and Ryan left us on Sunday and the very next day I was at the airport picking up one of my best friends Tiffany.  Lucky for me her hubby travels a lot and she had the summer off, so she was able to come down to El Paso to spend a few days with me and Weyland.  We didn't do a ton, but we did have a lot of fun together.  She was here for Weyland's first big thunderstorm, which we got to experience outside since I conveniently locked us out of my apartment ( I blame the mommy brain, which is like pregnancy brain, but worse).  She also got to attend a homecoming ceremony with us.  It was a crazy weekend in El Paso with lots of rain and after the homecoming there was a double rainbow outside.  She snapped a pick of it for us.  Not sure if you can see the double rainbow in this picture though.

We hit up the outlets one day and did as much shopping as Weyland let us.   I also helped Tiff with some finalizing of our 10 year high school reunion which was that coming weekend.  Which meant going through our high school senior year book which was a pretty humorous.   Lots of reminiscing, which was so fun!   The rest of the week we mostly just ran around town and spent some good quality time together.  It was a great couple of days for me and Weyland.  And Tiffany definitely has the magic touch because Weyland was so good while Tiff was here.  And he let her hold him all he wanted.  Lately he seems to be in a I only want mommy phase.  I was not looking forward to her leaving.   Here are some pics from her week here.  

Auntie Tiff got to help out with bath time!

Tiff snapped this picture of David and Weyland.  He loves the guitar!  Especially when Daddy plays for him

Two of the super cute onesies Auntie Tiff got for little Weyland 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Two Months Old!

Weyland you are 2 months old!  I can't believe how fast 2 months went!  You had your 2 month check up a few days ago and you did great!  You weigh 12 lbs and 4 oz, you are 23 inches long and your head circumference is 15.7 inches.  You got all your 2 month shots which I did not enjoy.  You didn't enjoy them much either, but I think it was worse for me than it was for you.  Once you calmed down I talked to you a bit and you gave me a big smile.  You're such a trooper!  You are smiling and talking a ton these days.  My favorite thing right now is putting you on the changing table or on our bed and having a little baby conversation with you.   It's so fun to watch you smile and become so animated.  You are also starting to blow bubbles which is so cute, until it turns into drool.  You are still a bit of a bobble head but you are getting stronger and have pretty good control of your head now.  You still love our morning time on your play mat or just hanging out with mommy.   But you are still a bit fussy at night and at times in the afternoon.  But mostly it's because you are tired and you fight sleep like you are gonna miss out on something if you give into it.  Napping is still a challenge, but these days your swing usually does the trick.  Man I'm gonna miss that thing when you out grow it.  You are still a little piglet and want to eat all the time, about every 2 hours (more like every hour and a half), but it's getting a little easier for both of us, I think.  Sleeping is getting a little easier too.  For the past week you have pretty much slept all night, sleeping from about 9 to 4 or 5.  It kind of freaked me out at first, but I'm getting used to it now, so keep it up.  I'm enjoying getting some more sleep.  You are sleeping in your crib now, as of a few days ago and so far so good.  Again, I think it was a harder transition for me than it was for you.   You are growing so fast.  You are wearing size 2 diapers, but mostly cloth diapers now since you are finally big enough for them.  You are in 3 month clothes, for the most part.

Man I wish I could put life in slow motion so I can enjoy all these precious moments with you longer!  We love you so much Weyland!

Weyland loves his play mat!!

still love you george...sometimes ;)

I can hold my head up (for the most part)

Bath time!!

Love those smiles!

Weyland loves his swing!!  (or maybe I just love it, humm)

I'm so happy I captured this moment.  I was feeding Weyland and he feel asleep, as always, and in an attempt to wake him up I captured this.  Enjoy!