Monday, August 6, 2012

Two Months Old!

Weyland you are 2 months old!  I can't believe how fast 2 months went!  You had your 2 month check up a few days ago and you did great!  You weigh 12 lbs and 4 oz, you are 23 inches long and your head circumference is 15.7 inches.  You got all your 2 month shots which I did not enjoy.  You didn't enjoy them much either, but I think it was worse for me than it was for you.  Once you calmed down I talked to you a bit and you gave me a big smile.  You're such a trooper!  You are smiling and talking a ton these days.  My favorite thing right now is putting you on the changing table or on our bed and having a little baby conversation with you.   It's so fun to watch you smile and become so animated.  You are also starting to blow bubbles which is so cute, until it turns into drool.  You are still a bit of a bobble head but you are getting stronger and have pretty good control of your head now.  You still love our morning time on your play mat or just hanging out with mommy.   But you are still a bit fussy at night and at times in the afternoon.  But mostly it's because you are tired and you fight sleep like you are gonna miss out on something if you give into it.  Napping is still a challenge, but these days your swing usually does the trick.  Man I'm gonna miss that thing when you out grow it.  You are still a little piglet and want to eat all the time, about every 2 hours (more like every hour and a half), but it's getting a little easier for both of us, I think.  Sleeping is getting a little easier too.  For the past week you have pretty much slept all night, sleeping from about 9 to 4 or 5.  It kind of freaked me out at first, but I'm getting used to it now, so keep it up.  I'm enjoying getting some more sleep.  You are sleeping in your crib now, as of a few days ago and so far so good.  Again, I think it was a harder transition for me than it was for you.   You are growing so fast.  You are wearing size 2 diapers, but mostly cloth diapers now since you are finally big enough for them.  You are in 3 month clothes, for the most part.

Man I wish I could put life in slow motion so I can enjoy all these precious moments with you longer!  We love you so much Weyland!

Weyland loves his play mat!!

still love you george...sometimes ;)

I can hold my head up (for the most part)

Bath time!!

Love those smiles!

Weyland loves his swing!!  (or maybe I just love it, humm)

I'm so happy I captured this moment.  I was feeding Weyland and he feel asleep, as always, and in an attempt to wake him up I captured this.  Enjoy!

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