You are such a laid back little guy. Most days you just roll with the punches. You have little to no protest now when its nap time (thank goodness) or when we are in the car. You know the sound of the bath tub at night and know exactly what it means. You love story time before bed or any time for that matter. And you love bed time. You are such a ham. You love to laugh and giggle. Every time you giggle my heart just swells. It's the sound that makes me the happiest person in the world. You are such a people watcher. People watching entertains you to no end most places we go. You are also a huge flirt. You flirt with the grocery checker, the grocery bagger, and the people at the table next to us a lunch or dinner. You have tons of energy and like to express it physically and verbally. You love to talk and babble to yourself. If I had one wish in the world it would be to know exactly what you were saying. You are still very curious. You love to pick stuff up off the floor, examine it very closely and then reach up to hand it to me, along with a verbal, "uh". Probably your most favorite thing to do is to take a non toy, usually the remote, and crawl around with it in one hand into every room and place it on everything in that room to see what happens. Hugely entertaining for you. You still love to open any door, any drawer, any cabinet or any box. You are getting taller so it's becoming very easy for you to reach up and pull things out of drawers now. You are not walking but you will take three or four steps between objects or to us. You love your push toys, falling into soft things, like the bean bag, your lion full of balls, or your chair. And you have a love for tunneling under something or someone.
You still have a very hardy appetite. You will give most foods a chance and you seem to like or tolerate most foods we give you. But there is the occasional protest, which is to be expected. You are almost weaned. You did most of it on your own. Your patience for nursing was growing shorter and shorter. and it was getting harder and harder to get you to nurse an appropriate amount of time. I still nurse you in the morning but you seem to have more patience for a bottle. You are 30 inches tall and weigh almost 22 pounds. You are in a size 4 diaper and in 12 month clothes. For a long guy you have short legs, so your pants tend to be smaller in size. But its almost summer now, so I can so so long to pants for a while. You are sleeping a little later now (yay!), until 7:15ish. In fact I could be getting up before you to get things done, but I'm enjoying my sleep for now. You have four teeth now! Hooray! You have your bottom two and top two. And I think two more top teeth are on their way.
We love you so much Wey Wey!!!
You are still so serious sometimes.
Helping Mommy blow out her birthday candles
Weyland and his buddy Hudson
I wasn't lying when I said every drawer. The night stand on the opposite side looks the exact same.
Morning snuggles with my little man. I will love these snuggles as long as they last