Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ten Months!

Weyland you are ten months old.  Only two more months and you won't be my little baby any more :(. Although I must admit that you are changing and growing so much that I already feel your baby essence leaving you.  You are still a crawler, but you only crawl until you get to something you can pull up on and walk around. You have learned to push your push toys around and it is SO fun to watch you push them around.  You are so proud of yourself.  You always look back at me and give me a huge grin.  It's like you are saying, "Look mom, I'm doing it!".  A few times you have let of whatever you are holding on to and balanced all on your own.  I'm afraid you might be walking soon, but who knows.  Let's hope you take your time figuring it out. :)  You recently started waving, which is pretty darn cute.  You have started reaching and saying "oh" to anything that you discover or see or want me to know you see.  You have also started to mimic us a little.  You try your best to say "Uh-oh"  when I say it to you.  When the phone rings or a timer goes off, you look at me and say "Oh".  Man you love it when the phone rings, especially when it's daddy.  I put him on speaker and when you hear his voice you get a huge grin on your face and start to talk to him.  It's so cute!  On the other hand, when I am on the phone you also do your best to jerk it away so you can have it for yourself.  It becomes way more interesting when a voice comes out of it, so you just can't resist.  I'm amazed at how quickly you learn.  You are a smart little guy.  When you push your push toy into a wall or object you patiently figure out how to maneuver it to keep on moving.  We have had a few play dates and after each one you pick something up from watching your new friend Hudson (who is a year old).  More things you love, the vacuum cleaner, pulling everything out of anything,  playing in your chair, getting into the fridge, the toilet, the trash, unplugging anything that you can unplug, opening every drawer you can reach,  basically getting into everything.

You still eat like a horse.  It's amazing the amount of food you can consume sometimes.  You can be picky at times, but for the most part you will eat pretty much anything.  Veggies are still tricky.  You are still breastfeeding, but you are getting extremely difficult to nurse in the evening.  Most nights I have to give you a bottle, so weaning you will probably be starting soon.  You are sleeping a little later now (yay!).  Most mornings you wake up anywhere between 6:30 and 6:45.  You still take 2 naps, although your morning nap has become very short, putting a kink in my morning routine.  You weigh close to 21 lbs and you are 29 inches tall.  You are still long and lean, but you are developing a little pot belly, that I LOVE!  You still only have 2 teeth, but I'm 90% sure that 2 more are on their way.  Hang on little man, you will have more than 2 teeth soon!  You now successfully drink from a sippy cup.  You also are in a phase where you want anything I have.  It's a little annoying, but it has let me explore foods that I didn't know you would ever eat, like hummus and greek yogurt.

You are a happy, curious, explorative, smart, tenacious, spirited little man.  I love seeing your little personality bloom and watching you learn and grow.  I love you so so much!!

Avocado beard.  haha

He loves playing in his chair!



Got a chance to visit with all my loves in FW!

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