Disclaimer: This post is oh about a year late, but when I logged in this morning I realized I never posted it. It looks like it was finished just without pictures. Enjoy.
Weyland you are my crazy little man. You are so full of energy and have a huge zest for life. You love to run, explore, climb, play, talk, dance and sing! If feels like you have grown so big in such a short amount of time!
You are now in day care pretty much, 5 days a week. I have returned to work and am associating with a chiropractor here in Lawton. It took you a while to get used to day care. It probably took me a little longer. I still miss you every day. But you have grown to love it at day care. You still in the pre-tot and infant class, but you will soon move into the toddler class. You have become such a little helper to all your teachers, helping them clean up, and throwing things away. Everyday when I pick you up you smile and run to me and then immediately turn away to point and show me things in your class. It's too cute!
You are babbling so much now! You are only saying a few things, like Dada, Mama, more and hot. You are good signer too. Although the signs that I show you don't seem to stick, and you like to make up your own. Sometimes it takes me a while to figure out what you are saying and signing but I usually figure it out. Even though you aren't talking much your comprehension is awesome. I can talk to you and ask you to do things and you know exactly what I want and need from you. I can ask you to go get your shoes so we can go and you will go get them for me (sometimes). You don't always want to do what I ask, but at least I know you are listening enough to not do what I would like you to. You can pitch a good fit too when you are told no, or asked to do something you would prefer not to do, like get your diaper changed or come in from playing outside. Speaking of outside, you love to play outside. I wish it wasn't so hot outside and we would be outside a lot more. I will be glad when it cools down and we can go outside and play as much as you want!
You still love books! Your attention span doesn't always allow us to sit down and read a whole book, but it does allow us to turn pages and point out what is in the the book until we move on to the next one. You are more into your toys now than you have been in the past. You are more curious about playing with them and figuring them all out. You also LOVE music and love to dance and sing. When we turn on Pandora you smile and start rocking back and forth and bouncing up and down. It's so cute. And any time we sing itsy bity spider, head shoulders knees and toes, or any other song that you like to sing you start to sing along and attempt to perform all the movements.
You are still a Mama's boy. You always want me to hold you, or cuddle with you or you need my attention so you can point out something to me. Which I LOVE, but it makes it extremely hard to get ready in the morning and to make dinner in the evenings. Luckily I have your daddy to play with you and distract you while I am making dinner. You love your daddy too! He plays the guitar for you, which you love. He plays with you, chases you around the house and tries to scare you, which always makes you giggle. You also have George to play with! You love George! He is your buddy. You like to pet him, hug him and play with him. I can't exactly say that George is your biggest fan, but he can come leaps and bounds. He doesn't run from you anymore when you even reach out in his direction. He even sits still when you give him a big Weyland hug.
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