In august I decided to travel to Fort Worth to see some friends and family. David wasn't able to take block leave with the rest of his unit so he had to stay in El Paso :(. So that meant I had to buck up and get on a plane with my little man. Needless to say I was very nervous to fly with Weyland. I desperately did not want to be that lady on the plane with the screaming baby. Weyland generally does best when you are up walking around with him, or if he is laying on the floor. Both of which you can not do on planes. So I had some figuring out to do. Luckily I have some girlfriends that have flown with their babies and I got some great advice from them. Now looking back I'm not sure why I was so nervous because Weyland did great! We got to the airport, I saddled Weyland up in the baby bjorn we breezed through security and got to our terminal. I decided Weyland might be kept happiest if on the floor so I found a spot, spread out a blanket and let Weyland roam. Well roam he did, because he decided to roll over all on his own for the first time! I was dumbfounded. For a while now he has been throwing himself to his side but never committing to roll all the way. I wanted to yell, "yay weyland!!" but couldn't so I did the next best thing, called his daddy. He did it a few more times once we got home, but hasn't done it again since. Hum. Back to the plane ride... got on the plane, started nursing Weyland and he went right to sleep and slept the whole way. Whew! Lucky for me its a short plane ride. Weyland got to do a ton and meet a lot of friends and family while in Fort Worth, so I think I'll tell the story mostly in pictures.
Shortly after arriving I headed over to my granny's house so Weyland could meet his great granny, Auntie Eugenia, and Auntie Em (sorry Emily, just accept it). After everyone got a peek at Weyland we hugged and kissed hello and then headed to dinner. Being home with so much family around definitely had it's perks. I had lots of Weyland holders at dinner. Every time we went out I could actually eat at a normal pace and enjoy my meal. Here is Weyland with his great Granny and his Auntie Em.
The next night Granny, Auntie Em and Aunt Eugenia came over and we had dinner at home. So everyone got lots of Weyland holding time. (yay for me!) On a side note, Papa may have some competition. Aunt Eugenia is a bit of a baby whisperer herself. She was great at taking Weyland off my hands and somehow putting him to sleep so I could eat. Thanks Aunt Eugenia!!
Nana and Aunt Eugenia
Papa aka the baby whisperer numero uno
Granny and Auntie Em
The next night all of the ladies, and Weyland, had a fabulous dinner at Lili's. A great little restaurant off Magnolia close to downtown Fort Worth. It was wonderful. I was a little nervous taking Weyland to such a nice place, but it worked out great. We all took turns holding him and then eventually Aunt Eugenia, the baby whisperer numero dos, took him and he fell asleep. Lucky for me Weyland falling asleep so late in the day, before his bedtime, doesn't seem to affect his sleep all that much. Sorry no pictures of us at Lili's. We were having too much fun.
The next night we had some family friends over for dinner so they could all meet Weyland. I didn't do a great job of taking pictures this night but I did manage to snap a pic of Peggy and Gary with Weyland. (does anyone else notice a theme here of me not doing a good job of taking pictures...humm)

Friday I went to Arlington to pick up Emily She was going to stay the weekend with us. Yay!! That day we stopped by Casada, the high school where my Dad works, so he could show off his handsome grandson to all his co-workers. After we got done modeling Weyland and declining offers to let him stay there for the afternoon we headed to lunch. Weyland is not such a great napper so maybe it was all the modeling or all the car rides but he took a freakishly long nap that afternoon. Emily and I went to Yuctan Taco Stand for some awesome fish tacos and got to have a looooong relaxing lunch. It was super busy which means it was super loud so I'm sure that aided in Weyland's long nap. I can't remember the last time I got to go out for a long relaxing lunch. Thank you Weyland. Emily got lots of good Weyland time that weekend. We spend most of our time at home, hanging out, introducing Weyland to Raffi and Wee Sing, some classics from our childhood. And we even busted out an old Fisher Price cassette player my mom saved for our Raffi and Wee Sing jam sessions.

On Sunday one of my great great friends, Allison came all the way from the Woodlands with her sister Kimberly and her precious son Parker to spend the day with us. Parker is 18 months old and is so much fun! He was so great with Weyland. He has recently learned the word baby, so he kept touching Weyland and saying, "baby!" It was quite amusing. We went Jason's Deli for lunch on Sunday, an old past time for Allison and I. We were college roommates all 4 years, well technically 3 1/2. Allison is an over achiever and graduated a semester early. Jason's Deli was a go to for us, probably because it's cheap and you get free ice cream! After lunch we had to leave Allison for a bit to go check out Aunt Tiff's new pad. Which is beautiful by the way. Can't wait for our first sleep over!! (I didn't get any pictures of Tiff with Weyland this trip :( ) Allison and I spent the rest of our visit swapping mom stories and just catching up. The next day, we enjoyed our morning and then had an early lunch at Fuzzy's Taco's, a Fort Worth must. I hate being so far from her! Hopefully one day we will be much closer. Here are some pictures I snapped before she left on Monday.

Love them!
I am so fortunate to have several of my good girlfriends, who I grew up with, living in the DFW area still. So most of them got a chance to come over and meet little Weyland. On Monday, Rachel was able to take the day off work just to spend the day with us. How lucky am I? Or maybe she is the lucky one? She did get the day off because of me. Well not me per say, but my adorable child she wanted to meet. She joined us for lunch on Monday with Allison and her crew and then spent the rest of the day with us at the Smith's casa. Her mom even got to stop by and meet my little man. We had a great time catching up and playing with Weyland. I can't wait until we are closer!!

That night Lindsey and her hubby Jason stopped by for a bit to meet my little man. And I was one proud Mama because Weyland was so good! Night time is usually when Weyland is the most fussy. He gets a little cranky and is not his usual smiley, happy, serious self. But he did so great! The older get gets the better his night time has become. So Lindsey got to hold him and even feed him. I'm still working on getting him used to the bottle. He seems to have the hang of it now, especially if I'm not the one giving him the bottle. And we also played on his blanket and Weyland entertained Lindsey with his smiles, talking and of course his gas, typical man. We had lots of fun!!

My last visitor was Ashlea. It was perfect timing because she just recently moved back to Fort Worth from NYC. Ashlea came over Tuesday morning and spend the day with us. We had lots of play time. We attempted nap time. We went and looked at ourselves in the mirror, which is the funniest thing to watch. Weyland catches his own gaze in the mirror, study's himself and then grins a big ol grin. It's priceless! And Weyland loved Ashlea's dancing skills. She busted a move for him and he loved it! Thanks Ash!!
Tuesday night was my last night at home, so the family all met up in Arlington at Olenjack's for our last dinner together. We had a great dinner but it was hard telling everyone goodbye. It was so much fun being with all of my family and friends, but I was glad to get back home. Weyland and I were missing Daddy a ton! Here are some pictures from my last night with the fam.
Baby Whisper numero dos
Love you Granny!