Well, Weyland you are four months old! And let's just say you sure did make your 4 month birthday eventful. The first day of your 4th month was spent mostly in the hospital. Check out my next blog for the full story. Now we will just stick to all the good things about you being 4 months old. You are getting so big!! I think that has been the most significant change in the past month. You are now 25 1/4 inches long, and weigh 15.4 lbs. The second biggest change has been your hair. You have pretty much lost it all, except for some left on the crown of your head and below your bald spot. It makes me so sad. I was so attached to your full head of brown hair. But not to worry, you have hair growing back in already and surprisingly it is much lighter and has a reddish tint to it. Your Daddy had strawberry blonde hair when he was little so I guess it's not that surprising. Your eye color is still in question too. They are brown but not quite like mine. There is still hope that they will lighten up like your Daddy's. There are several things that you have started doing this month, one being putting weight on your legs to stand up. It's your new favorite thing. It's like you are rediscovering the world from a different view. You love it and you are getting pretty good at it. You have also started to discover your feet, which I love to watch. You become so concentrated and focused on grabbing and moving your feet around with your hands. Pretty soon those little toes will be in your mouth all the time. It's not just your feet you want to grab either, it's everything! Anything we put in front of you you grab onto and bring it straight to your mouth. One thing I am not a fan of that you have started doing is watching TV. It doesn't matter where we are you seem to always find that screen and lock on to it. You are also rolling over more and more these days. Still not doing it a ton, but you have successfully rolled from your back to your tummy and then from your tummy to your back. I feel like it is something that you can do pretty well, you just don't feel like doing it very much. Which is okay with me. Take your time Weyland, take your time. You still LOVE being naked, except we have to be a little more careful with how long we have naked time. More and more incidents of peeing all over have occurred, including all over Daddy's face. Haha. You still like to suck on your thumb/fingers. And you take your paci more times than not now, mostly at nap time or in the car. One thing you don't like, the car seat. The 20-30 nap has translated to the car, so when your 30 minutes are up you start screaming. Needless to say being in the car with you is loads of fun. Our biggest accomplishment this month has been successfully transitioning you to the eat, play, sleep routine. It was not easy, but it has made our lives much easier. Nap time is still a struggle sometimes and still not in your crib, but it has become a lot easier, thanks to eat, play sleep. I still rely on your swing for naps and then of course me, especially when I want you to take a longer nap. And you still will only nap for about 20-30 mins. But your Mimi did successfully get you to nap on our bed when we were in Lufkin. Progress! We are no longer swaddling you at night. When you were about 3 1/2 months you were wriggling out of it every night, so we decided to eliminate it. You still wake up once during the night to be fed and then you usually sleep till about 7. You are still eating like a champ. But you eat about every 2-3 hours now, giving Mommy much more time to run errands, have lunch dates and get things done around the house. We are starting rice cereal soon and I am kinda excited about it. You are still in cloth diapers mostly and in a size 2 in regular diapers. You are still in mostly 3 month clothes, although a lot of them are pretty sung. You are becoming more and more animated and starting to develop a little personality. I'm really excited to watch that personality bloom.
We are starting to get some giggles out of Weyland! It's my fav!!
Spending some time with mommy in bed
What nap time looks like
naked tummy time! Cutest little butt EVER!!!!
Gig em Aggies!!
Mimi and Big David
watching the aggies BTHO of Arkansas!
Rest of the 4 month photo shoot
I must mention that the Cook family suffered a great loss this month. David lost his Aunt Debra. We were able to fly down to Lufkin last minute to be with the rest of the Cook family and say our goodbye's to Debra. She was such a wonderful person and she will be greatly missed. We love you and miss you Aunt Debra.
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