When Weyland was about 2 weeks old 6 months seemed miles and miles away, but now it's here. How did that happen? The days are so long sometimes, yet they seem to fly by faster and faster and I can't seem to get a grasp on how fast you are changing. One minute I am looking at you saying, "I can't wait until you can sit up" and then the next day when you have magically gained the ability to balance on your lean little legs kicked out in front of you, I say to myself, "NO not yet". I know I'm gonna be saying the same thing when you start standing, walking and talking. I want you so badly to reach these milestones. But as soon as you reach them I'm suddenly not ready. Oh the woes of parenthood.

So what's going on with you Weyland...you are my little man now. You are a real person who laughs and reacts and looks at me when I say your name. You still love to eat. After I nurse you we sit down to eat your solids and you can't get enough. You get so excited to eat, you kick your legs and squeal. Right now you pretty much eat anything I put in front of you, thank goodness. I know that will change as you get older so I'm trying to enjoy it now. You are sitting up now. You haven't really figured out how to get there on your own yet, but you can balance really well when we sit you down. I can sit you down and give you a toy and you go to town. And I'm thinking you might be one of those babies who skips crawling. You just like to roll. When you lock on to something you want just a few rolls and you get there. You love to chew on everything these days! I'm pretty sure you are teething, but no teeth yet. You also love to reach and grab everything in front of you including George and mommy's face. Poor George. And poor mommy's face. I have several battle scars. George is not such a fan of all the grabbing either. He mostly just runs away. You are wearing 6 month clothes now and size 3 diapers when you're not in cloth diapers. My stress about naps has now gone away. It has taken me 6 months, but I have finally accepted that sleep is not something that comes easy to you. You fight sleep about 80% of the time, but I have learned patience is the key. You will fall asleep, sometimes it just takes you a little longer to surrender. You are taking solid naps these days, sometimes they are an hour and half and sometimes they are 30 mins but they are naps nonetheless. Your sleeping at night has improved as well. You are finally sleeping through the night, for the most part. But you are an early riser. You have been getting up at 5 am lately, bright eyed with a huge smile on your face. Lucky for me my favorite time of day is going and getting you out of your crib in the morning, so it makes that 5 am wake up a little easier. It makes my heart melt to see you smiling up at me like I am just the person you wanted to see first thing in the morning. Your new bff is your thumb. You love that thing. You pop it in your mouth any chance you get, especially when you are tired. You still aren't a huge fan of being in your car seat. But as long as you aren't tired you do pretty well. Lucky for me we moved to a small town so getting from one place to the other never takes long.
We love you so much Weyland! You are probably the coolest person I know.
By the way, we are all settled in in Lawton and are liking small town life so far. If there was only a Target....
Our little Aggie
Daddy's future hunting buddy
We still give in every once in a while and let you nap on Daddy
Bath Time!
Best buds...sort of ;)
Smiles for momma
You talking to me?
I love Sophie!
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